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We help architects, engineers, surveyors and designers to design the best central vacuum systems worldwide.

Zato što smo mi u Sistem Air-u we are convinced that living comfort comes first.


Download specifications

We help architects, engineers, surveyors and designers to design the best central vacuum systems worldwide.

Zato što smo mi u Sistem Air-u we are convinced that living comfort comes first.

Download specifications

We help architects, engineers, surveyors and designers to design the best central vacuum systems worldwide.

Zato što smo mi u Sistem Air-u uvereni da je dobrobit u domu na prvom mestu.

Na čemu radiš? Preuzmite specifikacije koje ćete uključiti u svoj projekat

Na čemu radiš? Preuzmite specifikacije koje ćete uključiti u svoj projekat

Na čemu radiš? Preuzmite specifikacije koje ćete uključiti u svoj projekat

Civil dwellings
Specifications by Sistem Air
Neutral specifications - without Sistem Air branding
Vertical construction
Specifications by Sistem Air
Neutral specifications - without Sistem Air branding

Civil dwellings

Specifications by Sistem Air
Neutral specifications - without Sistem Air branding
Najbolje za radna okruženja

U profesionalnim i industrijskim rešenjima, prednosti idu dalje.

Oporavak i optimizacija otpada, povećanje efikasnosti proizvodnje i uštede na troškovima nekvaliteta.

 Sistem je modularni i bez ograničenja površine i upotrebe.

Stručni projekti

Specifications by Sistem Air
Neutral specifications - without Sistem Air branding

Industrial projects

Specifications by Sistem Air
Neutral specifications - without Sistem Air branding

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